Customized Wildlife Tours
Vesterålen has a vast number of animals species to offer and we in Vesterålen Tours has set up multiple tours to find each. On this site you can see what animals it is possible to choose from on the customized wildlife tours, for the animals and birds that is rarer to see on a normal wildlife tour.
Note that not all species is possible to combine in one tour because of the distance between the areas they live in.
These tours has a higher chance of non results and might easier be canceled due to bad weather than our normal tour for moose etc. You also have chance to see other animals on these tours also.
All tours are by car unless something els is told.
For prices, booking and more info send a mail to: booking@vtours.no
Williow Ptarmigan is possible to be found at: Spring, Summer, early Autumn and Winter.
Rock Ptarmigan can be found on every mountian in Vesterålen but the once we are focusing on is close to Sortland. There is a hike to get there and it can take between 30 to 60 mins to get there by foot. We will meet you at a meeting spot at the start of the trail or we can pick you up at the hotel for this one.
These tours are at summer, autumn and start of winter.
Eurasian Otter is possible to find the whole year but maybe one of the harder one to find.
White-Tailed Eagle or Sea Eagle could be found the whole year and we do these tours by car.
Golden Eagle is only avaliable from our photo hide.
Black Grouse:
Spring and summer is the time of the year for easy acces to the Black Grouse.
Fox Cubs is possible to find at summer and start of autumn.
*We have a location for foxes the spring & summer 2024, contact us for more info.
You can also rent a small photo blind for two persons.